Fabio Durastante Researcher

Numerical recipes for environmental sciences with MATLAB - Ph.D. Course in Models and Methods for Material and Environmental Sciences - Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia - A.A. 2023/24

Numerical simulations are computations we run on a computer with programs implementing a mathematical model for a chemical, physical or biological system. We need them to study the behavior of processes whose mathematical formulations are too complex to provide analytical solutions. The computational science area is itself a rapidly growing field. While the largest and most accurate simulations often use advanced computing capabilities, there is an ample layer of small and intermediate problems across many disciplines that we can face with easier-to-handle tools. This course will address one of such tools called MATLAB. We will use it to perform small-scale computer simulations. In the first place, we are going to introduce the programming language on its own and take some familiarity with it. Then, we will apply it to solve some problems in Earth, Life, and Chemical sciences.


Lectures will be on-line via the Teams platform. You can connect to them using this link.


Notes are available online. They can be converted on the fly to pdf files.