Students and Theses
For a
thesis request write an
for the choice of topics any of the topics discussed in the
page are generally available. Ideas from neighboring sectors can also be interesting.
For the availability of theses in the numerical sector of the department, see
also the dedicated
page on NUMPI.
Simmaco Di Lillo - "Il Modello Epidemiologico SIR sulle Reti Complesse" -
Laurea Triennale (Bachelor Degree) in Matematica (Mathematics) -
- A.A. 2020/21
Valeria Ceccarini - "Misure di Centralità Dinamiche per Reti Temporali" -
Laurea Triennale (Bachelor Degree) in Matematica (Mathematics) - A.A. 2022/23 - Joint supervision with P. Boito.
Gabriele Quatrana - "Realizzazione in MPI CUDA di metodi per sistemi lineari con termini noti multipli" -
Laurea Magistrale (Master Degree) in Ingegneria Informatica (Computer Engineering), University of Rome "Tor Vergata" - A.A. 2023/24 - Joint supervision with Salvatore Filippone.
The Mathematics Genealogy Project
Mathematics Genealogy Project (MGP) is a web-based database for the academic
genealogy of mathematicians. For a typical mathematician, the project entry includes graduation year, thesis title (in its Mathematics Subject Classification), alma mater, doctoral advisor, and doctoral students.