The tokens mark the locations of the conferences and seminars.
Past Seminars and Webinars
September 23, 2024 "Runge-Kutta methods with Fast Diagonalization". NUMPI Day, Università di Pisa (Italy).
June 8, 2022 "PSCToolkit: hands-on", Energy-oriented Center of Excellence (EoCoE) Summer School
January 19, 2022 "PSCToolkit: pushing linear algebra towards the exascale". Numerical Analysis Seminar, Lunds Universitet, Matematikcentrum. Sweden.
February 24, 2021 "Tutorial on PSBLAS and AMG4PSBLAS for solving sparse linear systems on parallel hybrid architectures" - Exa2Pro EoCoE joint workshop.
December 10, 2020 "(Sparse) Linear Algebra at the Extreme Scales", Giornata Giovani IAC-CNR.
December 1, 2020 "(Sparse) Linear Algebra at the Extreme Scales", numPI Seminars 2020-2021.
January 20, 2020 "PSBLAS 3.6 - Sparse Matrices Computation & Iterative Solvers for HPC", webinar for the EoCoE-II project.
February 18, 2019 "The Krylov-Jacobi method: functions of matrices for fractional partial differential equations" at Pisa University (Italy).
October 15, 2018 "Fast and Reliable Solution of Fractional PDE Constrained Optimization Problems" at Lund University (Sweden).
September 17, 2018 Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra 2018, July 28-August 11 (Moscow), September 9-23 (Rome) Seminar:: "A Numerical Linear Algebra Perspective on Fractional Differential Equations" as part of the course "Iterative Methods and Preconditioning for Large and Sparse Linear Systems with Applications".
February 14, 2018 "Preconditioning Techniques for Some Large Localized or
Structured Linear Systems with Application to Discrete Fractional Calculus" at Università di Pisa (Italy).
Research stays and visits
Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Rome, Italy - M. Mazza. 17-21/05/2024.
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Mathematics & Statistics Department - F. Arrigo 6-13/12/2023
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Departamento de Prehistoria, Historia Antigua y Arqueología - C. M. Mauro. 19-27/11/2023
Past Conferences
A one-day workshop on Computational Aspects of Complex Networks, Università di Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy.
December 6, 2024 Invited talk: Enforcing Katz and PageRank Centrality Measures in Complex Networks .
EoCoE-III Consortium Meeting, Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Spain.
November 27-28, 2024
Numerical Linear Algebra, CIRM Luminy, France. September 16-20, 2024. Talk: Stochastic $p$th root approximation of a stochastic matrix: a Riemannian optimization approach.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Paris, France. May 13-17, 2024. Talk: Algebraic Multigrid Methods for Simulation of Single Phase Flow in Fractured Media.
Part of the minisymposium "Advances in Block Preconditioners and Multilevel Methods for Numerical PDEs"
organized by R. Yovel and E. Treister.
Exploiting Algebraic and Geometric Structure in Time-Integration Methods,
Pisa, Italy. April 3-5, 2024.
EoCoE-III Kick-off Meeting, Rome, Italy, March 7-8 2024.
ICSC – SPOKE 1 FUTURE HPC & BIG DATA, Torino, Italy. 14th February 2024.
Annual meeting of the CINI HPC: Key Technologies and Tools laboratory, Pisa, Italy, October 23-24, 2023.
XXII Congresso dell'Unione Matematica Italiana (UMI), Pisa, Italy, September 4-9, 2023. Talk: Strumenti non locali per l’analisi di reti complesse.
29th EAA Annual Meeting in Belfast, Northern Ireland, 30 August - 2 September 2023.
10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan
August 20-25, 2023. Talk: PSCToolkit: Parallel Sparse Computation Toolkit
INTRUSION: NumerIcal aNalysis, porous media and waTer ResoUrceS: a fruItful cOntamiNation.
Campus Universitario Ernesto Quagliariello, Bari, Italy, 3-5 July 2023. Talk: Why diffusion-based preconditioning of Richards equation works? Spectral analysis
and computational experiments at very large scale.
25th Conference of The International Linear Algebra Society, Madrid, Spain, June 12-16, 2023. Talk: A *-product solver for linear nonautonomous fractional differential equations
14th Large-Scale Scientific Computations, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 5-9, 2023. Talk: Efficient Computation of the Wright Function and Its Applications to Fractional Diffusion-Wave Equations;
talk in the minisymposium: "Fractional Differential Problems: Theoretical Aspects, Algorithms and Applications", organized
by L. Aceto and S. Harizanov.
Math 2 Product (M2P) - Emerging Technologies in Computational Science for
Industry, Sustainability and Innovation, Taormina, Sicily, Italy, May 30 - 1 June, 2023. Talk: PSCTOOLKIT: Parallel Sparse Computational Tookit Minisymposium organizer: Mathematical software for Computational and Data Science at Extreme scales, together with P. D'Ambra and S. Filippone
Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Gran Sasso Science Institute, L'Aquila, May 10-12, 2023. Poster: Efficient computation of the sinc matrix function for the integration
of second-order differential equations.
GIMC SIMAI YOUNG 2022. September 29-30, 2022. Pavia, Italy. Talk: Scalability Results for the Solution of the Richards Equation. Minisymposium organizer: Largescale Linear Algebra Problems: Solvers for Scientific Challenges,
together with I. Furci.
LN HPCKTT GENERAL ASSEMBLY AND 3rd ITALIAN WORKSHOP ON HPC. September 14, 2022. Turin, Italy. Talk: Parallel Sparse Computation Toolkit: Towards Exascale Linear Algebra.
Final meeting of the EoCoE-II project. June 20-22, 2022. Naples, Italy.
Householder Symposium XXI (HHXXI). Hotel Sierra Silvana, Selva di Fasano (Br), Italy.
June, 12-17, 2022. Talk: On the Convergence of Two-Level AMG with aggregation-based coarsening relying on weighted matching.
A journey in numerical linear algebra: a workshop in honor of Michele Benzi’s 60th birthday.
Pisa, Italy. June 10-11, 2022.
ALAMA 2022-ALN2gg Linear Algebra, Matrix Analysis and Applications.
University of Alcalá. Alcalá de Henares (Madrid), Spain.
June, 1-3, 2022. Talk: Spectral insight into the solution of Richards equation at very large scale.
Due Giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica e Applicazioni.
Federico II Congress Center, via Partenope, Naples, Italy. February 14-15, 2022. Talk: AMG Preconditoners based on parallel hybrid coarsening exploiting multi-objective graph matching.
EoCoE consortium meeting. Barcelona Supercomputing Center Online,
December 15, 16 & 17, 2021. Talk: Scalability Results for the Solution of the Richards Equation as in ParFlow.
Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing. CIRM Luminy, November 8-12, 2021. Poster: Solving Richards equation: theoretical challenges and parallel
Bi-annual congress of the Italian Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics
(SIMAI). August 30 to September 3, 2021. Parma, Italy.
Participant in the minisymposium New trends and applications of fractional
differential equations. Talk: "Nonlocal Random Walks on Complex Networks".
The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC20) Conference
Postponed to 2021: July 5-8, 2021, at
the University of Geneva (Uni Mail), in Geneva, Switzerland.. Online. Minisymposium organizer: "Scalable Solvers for Energy Oriented Scientific
Challenges", together with Vincent Darrigrand, Alfredo Buttari.
June 21--24, 2021-
SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21)
Milan, Italy. Online. Minisymposium organizer:
"High-Performance modeling of renewable energy production: facing
the exascale challenge", together with P. D'Ambra, S. Filippone, S. Kollet.
Talk: Solving Richards Equations for Extreme Scale Applications in Hydrology
May 17--21, 2021.
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra (LA21).
New Orleans Downtown Marriott at the Convention Center, New Orleans,
Louisiana, U.S. Online. Talk:
"Hybrid Preconditioning Richards Equation for Variably Saturated Flow"
February 11-13, 2020 Convegno e Assemblea Gruppo Nazionale Calcolo Scientifico 2020 GNCS-INdAM. Hotel Belvedere, Montecatini Terme (Italy). Talk: "Convergenza e scalabilità di un metodo multigrid algebrico con aggregazione basata sul matching di grafo:
analisi teorica e aspetti computazionali in ambienti HPC"
October 7-11, 2019 School on "Mathematical and Computational Aspects of Machine Learning". Centro di Ricerca Matematica Ennio De Giorgi, Pisa (PI), Italy.
September 30-October 4, 2019 European Numerical Mathematics and
Advanced Applications Conference 2019 (ENUMATH2019), Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands. Talk: "Spectral Analysis of Saddle-point Matrices from Optimal Control PDE Problems"
September 12-13, 2019 EoCoE-II Face2Face Meeting. ULB Campus du Solbosch, Bruxelles.
July 15-19, 2019 International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM2019), Valencia, Spain.Minisymposium: organizer of the minisymposium "Advances in Fractional Differential Equations: Discretization Methods and Efficient Solvers", together with M. Mazza. Talk: "A Numerical Perspective on Fractional Differential Equations".
February 18-19, 2019 Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica, Sapienza Università di Roma. Talk: "Some fast algorithms for the large structured linear systems of FPDEs"
October 10-18, 2018 GAMM activity group on applied and numerical linear algebra workshop, Lund, Sweden. Talk: "Limited memory block preconditioners for fast solution of FPDEs".
July 2-6, 2018 Congresso Nazionale SIMAI 2018, Roma, Italy Talk: "Fast and reliable solution of fractional PDE constrained optimization problems"
June 12-15, 2018 10th Workshop SDS2018, Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects, Porto Giardino Resort, Capitolo (Monopoli) – Bari, Italy Talk: "Limited memory block preconditioners for fast solution of FPDEs"
May 16-18, 2018 Calcolo Scientifico e Modelli Matematici: alla ricerca delle cose nascoste attraverso le cose manifeste 2.0, Como, Italy Poster: "Efficient Solution of Time-Fractional Differential Equations with a New Adaptive Multi-Term Discretization of the Generalized Caputo–Dzherbashyan Derivative".
May, 4-8, 2018 SIAM conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Hong Kong. Talk: "Limited memory block preconditioners for fast solution of time-dependent fractional PDEs".
February, 7-8, 2018 Due giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica e Applicazioni. Padua, Italy. Talk: "Fast Solution of Time-Dependent Fractional PDEs: Sparse and Limited Memory Block Preconditioners"
January, 22-26, 2018 DREAMS: Design of Reliable, Exact, and Application-oriented techniques for geometric Modeling and numerical Simulation. Rome, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica (INdAM) Italy.
October 16-17, 2017 Quantitative Systems: Theory and Applications (QuaSy 2017). Como, Italy.
September 4-8, 2017 INdAM Meeting
Structured Matrices in Numerical Linear Algebra:
Analysis, Algorithms and Applications
Cortona, Italy. Posters:
"Fractional PDEs Constrained Optimization: An optimize-then-discretize approach with L-BFGS and Approximate Inverse Preconditioning,"
"Fast Solution of Fractional Differential Equation."
July 3-7, 2017 Splines and PDEs: Recent Advances from Approximation Theory to Structured Numerical Linear Algebra. CIME-EMS Summer School in applied mathematics. Partecipation with CIME full grant.
June 19-23, 2017 Numerical methods for optimal control problems: algorithms, analysis and applications, Rome, Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica - INdAM. Talk: "Fractional PDEs Constrained Optimization: An optimize-then-discretize approach with L-BFGS and Approximate Inverse Preconditioning"
May 22-25, 2017 Frontiers in Partial Differential Equations Analysis and Solvers
Summer school. Partecipation supported by the Department of Mathematics F. Casorati (Pavia) and by Fondazione Alma Mater Ticinenis.
August 20 - September 18, 2016 Rome-Moscow school of Matrix Methods and Applied Linear Algebra 2016.
February 16-17, 2016 Due Giorni di Algebra Lineare Numerica , Como (CO), Italy. Talk: "Solving mixed classical and fractional partial differential equations Short-memory principle and approximate inverses".
June 14-17, 2016 9th Workshop SDS2016 - Structural Dynamical Systems: Computational Aspects: Capitolo, Monopoli, Italy.
Poster: "Solving mixed classical and fractional partial differential equations Short-memory principle and approximate inverses".
September 17-18, 2015 Innovation & Growth, a process entangling public and private sectors: Auditorium Spazio Como - Como IT.
July 8-10, 2015 13th EUROPT Workshop on Advances in Continuous Optimization: Edinburgh. Talk:"The update of sequences of some incomplete decompositions matrices for preconditioning".
June 22-26, 2015 Exploiting Hidden Structure in Matrix Computations. Algorithms and Applications. CIME-EMS Summer School in applied mathematics. Partecipation with CIME Full Grant.
January 10-12, 2015 17th International Conference on Mathematical Methods, Comptutational Techniques and Intelligent Systems (MAMECTIS '15) - Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain. Talk: "Interpolant update of preconditioners for sequences of large linear systems".